I leave for India in 12 days. It is amazing to think that with so much to do, in twelve days it will be done: 

  • what needs to be packed will be packed, and if not can be done without or purchased in India
  • what needs to be done before I leavewill be done, or can be paused until I return.
  • what needs to be purchased or prepared will be… or will not be.

It will be or will not be. And all that is okay. 

This is my fifth trip to India, my second as the Director of Friends of Padhar Schools. Each time I’ve traveled to India, my sense of call is renewed (this is what God wants me to do) and my passion for this work is strengthened (this is what I want to do.) Each time I go I am reminded that we are all connected to one another in this one human family and that our lives are intertwined.

What is different about this trip:

In 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2015, I have traveled in connection with the trip of the Friends of Padhar, Germany, a team of medical professionals who work on a collaborative project with the medical professionals from Padhar Hospital.  This time, our trips happen at different times of the year -mine in June and theirs in October. I will miss the German team, seeing their good work and catching up with my good friends from my church in Hamburg.

This is the first time I will travel in June, instead of October, and the weather is different. Apparently I will be traveling with the Monsoon rains, so I expect it will be much wetter than my previous trips. In preparation, I’ve ordered a rain jacket. And I am ready to get wet.  (I’ll keep you updated!)

Other than those known differences, there are a multitude of “unknowns” yet to be discovered. For me, one of the joys of traveling is experiencing those new discoveries -whether they be new foods or shopping adventures, new friends to visit, new opportunities to be involved in. 

I am grateful to all those who’ve supported this work and look forward to being able to show and tell you about Padhar.